The latest rumors say that is very possibile that the most expected Samsung Galaxy S4 to arrive in the world with two different processors. So, in United Stated would be expected the version with Snapdragon S600 processor, and in the rest of world the version with Exynos 5 Octa processor.
So, what is so special at this processors?
Snapdragon S600:
- it's a quad core processor;
- it runs at up 1.9 GHZ per core;
- it supports LPDDR3 memory;
- Adreno 320 GPU.
Exynos 5 Octa:
- it's an eight core processor;
- only four cores runs in the same time;
- four cores run at 1.8 GHZ;
- four cores run at 1.2 GHZ;
- graphichs: 533MHZ.