HTC WINDOWS PHONE 8S MANUAL - Download HTC Windows Phone 8S User Guide - The HTC Windows Phone 8S Manual or user guide is currently obtainable to download in pdf format. To browse this user manual you want to mistreatment PDF applications. The HTC Windows Phone 8S user guide consisting of 102 pages with file size of 1.63 MB. It's devided into twenty section. Some necessary data like concerning learn phone half summary, setting phone, tutorial install SIM card and battery, directions lock screen, dynamical the ringtone and therefore the theme, mistreatment windows store, mistreatment speech, mistreatment ccamera for taking photograph, recording video guide, creating phone calls, mistreatment folks, mistreatment messages, email, photos, and backing up files guide. Then concerning mistreatment browser, using maps, bluetooth, mistreatment Xbox board games hub, update and reset guide, security, protective phone and a lot of. For table of content of HTC Windows Phone 8S user manual as follows:
Table contents of HTC Windows Phone 8S manual / User Guide:- Setting up your phone
- Your first week with your new phone
- Camera
- Phone calls
- People
- Keyboard
- Messaging
- Email
- Photos, videos, and music
- Storage
- Sync and Backup
- Internet connections
- Search and Web browser
- Maps and location
- Calendar
- More apps
- Bluetooth
- Settings
- Security
- Update and reset
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